We at Spire choose SaaS. But what else is there to choose from, and what are the differences?

Compare various software systems

By: Serge Janssen Daalen, 1 July  2023

We at Spire Solutions prefer to work with SaaS (Software as a Service). In order to provide excellent service, take care of updates and maintenance of our software systems, we have developed our very own platform that we continuously develop in the Cloud. We ourselves are absolute staunch advocates of this type of providing software, but in addition to SaaS, there are several other services and systems you could consider for providing your (new) business software.

A few examples

On Premises Software – On Premises Software is a software application that is installed and runs on the on-site server of your company. As a user, you have full control over the software as well as the responsibility for maintenance, security, and updates. The advantage of On Premises Software can be a disadvantage at the same time. The software system is completely in-house, meaning you most likely need your own IT Department that is responsible for maintenance, updates, and security.

Open Source Software (OSS) – Open Source Software is software where the source code is freely available to the public, which can be modified and distributed without any restrictions. The advantage of OSS is that it often offers greater flexibility and adaptability. Again, you will need a specialist to implement, maintain and further develop the software properly when there are changes.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – IaaS provides cloud-based infrastructure components/services, such as servers, storage, network resources, and virtualisation. As users, you can access these resources to build and manage your own applications and software environments.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) – PaaS provides an online development platform for software developers. Here, the infrastructure, Middleware (software that acts as a bridge between an operating system or database and applications, mainly on a network), and Development Tools are provided as a service. You, as a user, can develop, test and deploy your own applications while using the supporting infrastructure of the PaaS provider.

Platform independent software – These are software applications that can be installed and run on different operating systems, such as Windows, Mac OS, or Linux. These applications are generally offered as either one-off purchases or as licences and subscriptions.

Hybrid Cloud – Hybrid Cloud is a combination of several systems. As a company, you use various software applications like on-site infrastructure in combination with cloud-based services.

Making a choice

The choice between the different systems depends on several factors, such as your company’s desires, needs and requirements, technical capabilities, budget, and management and maintenance preferences.

Each system/service has its own characteristics and advantages. It is important to identify the specific needs, requirements, and the goals for your company and its business processes, and then make a choice based on these.

Spire can support you in this process. Besides offering a solid Software as a Service (SaaS), we can also support you in the search for the right software solution that is fully tailored to your needs and requirements.

Do not hesitate to contact us and let’s see how we together can let your business grow.

SpireSolutions – Digital Transformation Made Easy

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